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Free Download Total Uninstall Professional full version standalone offline installer for Windows; it is a powerful installation monitor and advanced uninstaller.
Overview of Total Uninstall Professional
This program is a powerful installation monitor and advanced uninstaller. It creates a snapshot of your system before installing a new program. It then takes an additional snapshot after the installation has been completed.
It compares the two snapshots and displays all changes in a graphical tree view, marking all registry values and files added, changed, or deleted.
Moreover, the Installed Programs module analyzes existing installations and creates a log with installation changes. It can uninstall programs even without the help of the supplied Add Remove program.
Features of Total Uninstall Professional
- Accurate analysis of existing installations and create a log with installation changes.
- Monitor changes from the registry and file system for new installations.
- Uninstall completely and thoroughly analyze or monitor programs.
- Create a backup for a program and restore the program from the backup.
- Organize in groups installed or monitored programs.
- Find the program to uninstall by keyword quickly and easily.
- Summary and detailed information for each installed or monitored program.
- User-configurable views of the detected changes.
- It shows a detailed uninstall log.
- Powerful search in detected changes.
- Standalone program agent for notification of running installation programs.
- Export registry changes for installation or uninstall.
- Export installed or monitored programs list to file.
- Export to file or print detected changes.
Technical Details and System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more
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