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Free Download Snapshot Quick 3 Installer Offline Standalone Full Version for Windows, it is a simple tool for acquiring the screen with a shot.
Fast Snapshot Overview 3 h2>
is a simple tool for acquiring the screen at a shot. Save a whole screen image of the desktop or a window of any size in Bitmap format. The rescue of a desktop image could not be simpler.
Just open it and click one of the icons on the desktop or make a selection of menu to capture an image. Every time you want to save an image, you always have the option to save your image in any folder you choose.
A box will open to enter a name you want to use, then just move on to your choice or simply use the current folder, every time you save an image of new tool
- save a whole screen image of the desktop or window of any size in bitmap format
- click on one of the icons on the desktop or make a selection of menu to capture an image to capture an image to capture an image
Technical details and system requirements H3>
- Supported: Windows 7/8/11 higher
- RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
- Free hard drive: 200 MB or more
- Supported: Windows 7/8/11 higher
- RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
- Free hard drive: 200 MB or more
Fast Snapshot (2025) Download and configuration
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